Thursday, December 24, 2015

Where Some/Maybe All my 2015 boxes are headed

Hello Packers!

     I've been so blessed this Christmas eve to open up my e-mail and find a notice from Samaritan's Purse about one or maybe all of my boxes and where they are headed. One of the things that I noticed is that when the e-mails come in, they only say "your box" not "your boxes" so I have no idea if it is just one box or all my boxes but if I get another notice, you guys will be the first to know.

     Anyway, my box(es) are headed to the Philippines! This is such a great notice because my friends from school, my favorite guests and many of my co-workers are Filipino! I just think that is so awesome that my boxes can be headed over there where a great amount of people are raised and learning the way of Christ through Christianity or Catholicism. Either way, I am very fond of the people of the Philippines and am glad that I get to send them some love.

     Above is some information about the Philippines and how Samaritan's Purse is helping these kids/adults along the way despite their situations. I love what they are doing over there and pray that my boxes find the children in good health and the contents bring them smiles as they help them along their journey in life.

Merry Christmas and Happy Packing!

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