Saturday, December 12, 2015

My FIRST 10-14 Boys Box!

Hello Packers!

     Oh my goodness, I'm so incredibly excited to show you all my first 10-14 boys box for the next year. I'm so happy because not only was I able to pack one for the boys but I was able to find things all BLUE! Oh my gosh, I can't even write a long intro for this, here are the pictures for my awesome first 10-14 boys box!

This is my Blue themed box! Blue socks, blue shirts blue Pencil Sharpener! I'm so incredibly blessed to have been able to find all of these blue themed items. Here is the list of things I included in the box.
  • Blue tote bag
  • Beanie Baby
  • Jump Rope
  • Beanie Hat
  • wash cloth
  • soap
  • t-shirt
  • socks
  • facial tissue
  • personal notebook
  • notebook
  • deodorant
  • tooth paste
  • tooth brush
  • pens
  • pencils
  • cars
  • comb
  • chap stick
  • eraser
  • pencil pouch
  • water bottle
Whenever you guys include a pencil pouch, like water bottles, try your best to stuff as much as you can in here. Someone told me that they are like a present inside of a present. Just as you think you opened up all of your box, you unzip the bag and find more things. I think that is a really cool way of looking at things.
In my water bottle there is the tissue, chap stick, jump rope, toothbrush, comb, wash cloth and the socks. This took up so much space as it's a larger water bottle but thankfully it could fit in a large amount of the stuff.
So this is the ending result of my shoe box packing. Again, another dang puffy box and I used a plastic one for this box. Unfortunately, although it does close, it is puffy and needed a TON of rubber bands. Oh well, I'm so glad I was able to finish one finally. One boys box down, many more to come. :)

Box 4 of 50. 
Happy Packing Everyone!

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