Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas time with your families, churches, friends etc. The day of Christmas has come to an end but let us not forget the love and care that God sent to us that day and the love that is eternally with us.
Although I'm not exactly big on the pushing and shoving of people to get the best 1/2 off deals at the store, I will admit that today was a good day when it comes to the left over scraps left by those who got to the stores before me. My family and I went to a few stores this year and all in all I got some good ones in my opinion but then again, I wish I could have gotten more. So here is the list of things I got on the After Christmas extravaganza that will look wonderful in my boxes for 2016.
So, something that I don't always do but decided to do anyway was head straight to Wal-Mart for their fifty percent off deals for their Christmas stuff. I don't like Wal-Mart all that much when it comes to their Christmas stuff because a lot of the stuff they had were No-No items for boxes. There were tons of lip glosses, nail polishes, lotions and perfumes but all I wanted were stuffed animals and maybe some pencils. Thankfully I got most of the better left overs. All of these items were $0.48 each and my father in law got me a $50 visa gift card so I didn't spend a speck of my own money!
(Please ignore my dog's behind) Each of these sock monkeys was $3 so I got each for $1.50 and the cups there were all $1 so each was $0.50! Along with some camouflage wrapping paper and a sweater for myself, it came out to about $30 which isn't that bad at all.
Before you go into Target thinking that their Value Spot is going to be 50% off everything, be sure to look on the backs of the tags for a little diamond. This diamond makes it 50% off, if it doesn't then wait for another day because all of the figurines and the pencils were NOT 50% off. Thankfully my mother in law gave me a Target gift card and the lady was kind enough to take $10 off of my final purchase.
The only things that were on sale here were the two taxi cabs. I'm just a little peeved at Target right now but thankful that they have some employees that understand our frustration.
I was able to get 9 Play Packs and these work great for the older kids that don't necessarily "need" a coloring book but it would still be cool to include one. These come with stickers, a coloring book, crayons and I think an activity pad.
These were the only things I could find back in their Christmas section that was even worth my time. They are the softest teddy bears ever and were $2.50 each after the 50% off.
I didn't think about going into Michael's but my mom told me to go in anyway since she was heading into Steinmart. Thankfully I did at the right time because I found the last fuzzy color pages, last wooden shape puzzles and some of the last puffy stickers. All of Michael's is at 70% off right now and if you're really crafty, of which I am not, this is a great time to head in and get some great deals.
I was a bit disappointed with the Dollar Tree to be honest because usually they have some great things for Stocking Stuffers and they have them on sale 50% off the next day. Well, everyone got to it before I did so I got some of the remnants but still, I got some good stuff. I got all of these for $0.50 each except for the water sippy cups which rang up at $0.25 per package. So I got four sippy cups for $0.50 and that is one of my better finds.
99 Cent Store was disappointing too, this year, as all of the paddle balls and the actual games were gone within seconds and I got the left overs. I will say that for coming in as late as I did, I'm impressed that I was able to get so many of the wind up toys they still had left over. These toys wind up and spin along the ground and I think that will be a great toy for kids of all ages. I ended up buying one of those sun dancer things but I think this might be the only one I ever get. Other than that, it was a 4 for 99 Cents deal and they were good for what they had.
Happy Packing and Happy New Year!