Friday, June 10, 2016

OCC: Boyfriend Experiment

Hello Packers!

     So, like my experiment with my brother on how well he could pack a shoe box, I decided to take my boyfriend to the Dollar Tree and 99 Cent Store to pack his own shoe box for a 10-14 year old boy. This was a really fun experience for my boyfriend as he found it surprisingly easy to pack for an older boy when he had to think that this was their only Christmas gift.

     I am incredibly happy with how his box turned out because he was a bit more child-oriented in his box but also had the child's more likely than not poverty life in mind. The box was cram-packed with tons of toys, school supplies, hygiene items and sweets.

First stop: Toys! He was a bit concerned with the age group as a lot of the toys at the Dollar Tree are for younger children and might not be the best of quality. However, he was able to find some great balls and a deck of cards for the child.
Next stop was down the aisles to hygiene and tote bags. He didn't hesitate in grabbing the largest tube of toothpaste and a set of four toothbrushes for the boy. My brother and him think alike in that sense.
Finding a bag that was the best size but also not too girly was a bit of a dilemma for my man but he pulled through with a bag that has two handles and is made of very sturdy material to hold all of the boy's gifts.

This is the amount of items that he was able to find for his shoe box. They are:
-Baseball Cap
-Tote Bag
-Coloring Book
-Water Bottle
-Blow Pops
-Roller Bike
-Deck of Cards
-Pencil Sharpener
Unfortunately he wasn't able to pack it as I had to head home and get ready for work so I packed it for him. Unfortunately I was unable to pack the baseball cap or the football as the box was so incredibly packed with all the other items. (He wrote a note for the child right on top.)
With a whole lot of love and a whole lot of rubber bands, I was able to finish off his shoe box and mark the age. This box was a lot of fun to put together with my boyfriend as he got to see what I really do when it comes to packing the boxes and how important it is. He really wanted to include food items like my brother had and he also wanted to include shampoo and conditioner. The boys are so sweet and thoughtful but I had to tell them no.

(Box 59)

Happy Packing!


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. These last 3 or 4 posts have been so fun. And your boxes look so good. I know they will be very much loved. Just wanted you to know that I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. I do appreciate your posts. ☺

    1. Thank you! That means a lot to me, thank you!
