Saturday, June 11, 2016

Including Scripture in the Shoe Boxes

Hello Packers!

     So, I did a little bit of reflection on my boxes and I will admit, I don't believe that my boxes truly reflect the goal of this ministry and that is to help children come to Jesus Christ and accept them as their Lord and Savior. I mean, I write in the letters about how much God loves them and that no one can take that love away but still something was eating at me recently that I just had to take to my boxes.

     When you guys saw my box for the red and girl 10-14 box, I wrote scripture in the ceiling of the box and it is so incredibly easy to include scripture in your box by just writing it on the top of the box. I love that idea and I decided that from now on, I will be doing that with my boxes to send some inspirational scripture to the children that receive my boxes. Saying that, I didn't suddenly pack tons of shoe boxes but I took my unfolded boxes from OCC and attached photos and scripture to the ceiling so that when I do use the boxes, they will be ready to get filled up.

I have five boxes with this scripture. I included this scripture because it gives some inspiration and encouragement to the children over in impoverished countries. I think this is also a nice little reminder that we need to trust in God and give our lives to God because any follower of God know that life is so much more uplifting when we have God as our Shepherd.
(PSALM 37:4)

I also have five boxes with this scripture and I included this because when we accept God into our lives and reach out to Him, we feel an overwhelming wave of peace and contentment with all the things going on in our lives because we know God is leading the way and God planned this life out for us.

(ROMANS 15:13)

Five boxes with this scripture and I included this scripture because yes, things might be bad right now and things might not seem the brightest but God is good all the time. Bad things might happen but God is still good. There will never be a bad God and especially for children in war-torn and possibly violent situations that question God's kindness, it is a small reminder that God is good and this is in his plan. (PSALM 107:1)

Five boxes with this scripture and I included this scripture because I pray that the children when they are weak or they feel hopeless that they know that I'm hoping that they are gaining strength from the Lord and that they have patience with His plans.


Five boxes with this scripture and I included this for the self-explanatory meaning of God's plan for all the children of the world. I like this scripture a lot because it is just so simple but packs such a big punch of "Wow, I really do matter" that these children might have never heard in their life before.


Five boxes with this scripture. I included this scripture because a single quote from a girl at the distribution hit me. "That was the first time I ever heard 'I love you'." We love them and would do many things for these children but what an amazing blessing to hear that someone loved them so much that they died so they would even get to know them.

(ROMANS 5:8)
Five boxes with this scripture. I included this because if you saw Alex's story (Go to Samaritan's Purse if you haven't.) he forgave the man that murdered his entire family. God wants us to forgive others for He forgave us for ALL of our sins and in a time where mean people are killing friends and family members, although it is unfortunate, it makes a truly strong follower of Christ to forgive those that make life miserable.

Five boxes with this scripture. I included this with those in war-torn situations in mind. I use this scripture just for my anxiety but imagine the fear in some children in war-torn situations or in poverty situations where they have no idea when they will get their next meal. I love this scripture because it gives a nice reminder that you are loved by God and He will never ever leave you.
(Joshua 1:9)

 So, that is a set of a few examples of scripture to include in your boxes and I love this scripture so much and hope that it can lighten the day of a child or invite them to learn more about the great Lord and how they can become Christ-like.

Happy Packing!

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