Wednesday, May 27, 2020

I'm Back!

Hello all of my shoebox shoppers and packers!

After a three year long hiatus I am back to doing what I like most and that is posting blogs about shoeboxes and the amazing organization that is behind it. In the time I was away I focused on school and earned my Bachelor's degree in English Language Arts and I am currently at the end of the student teaching portion of my Master's degree in Education. I also got engaged!

 I packed boxes in 2018 and 2019 but I just did not post about them as I have been incredibly busy with life and catching up on all of the requirements of school and planning a wedding. I am thrilled to go back to blogging as it is a way for me to express my voice and also keep talking about stuff that I LOVE to do: aka, packing shoeboxes!

Shoebox stuff so far:
In the last two years I was able to send about 100 boxes to different countries, mainly the Philippines and Indonesia. Every year I try to do what I can and what the Lord provides for me and this year he has provided me with many free hours so right now I have been crafting up a storm of items to put in my boxes this fall.

Handcrafted items:
Hats: 48
Marble bags: 30
Scarves: 0

I plan on getting a LOT of items done in the next few months and I also plan on really getting those boxes packed and ready to ship in November. As far as I know, OCC has not put any holds on the boxes this fall so I am going to continue getting them ready for this year.

Have fun packing!